Treating chronic illnesses medically and as a public health problem

Treating chronic illnesses medically and as a public health problem is very different.

For this post, discuss a chronic illness that you have experience with and answer the following questions – with specific supporting evidence that you can link to.

  1. How are the medical and public health approaches to this particular chronic illness different?
  2. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches?

Ex: My uncle has imaginaryitis

  1. Public Health tries to prevent it by doing X and doctors treat it by doing Y
    • Provide links for both.
  2. X is better than Y because of A, while Y is sometimes better than X because of B.
    • Briefly explain both sides. Provide linked evidence or your experience as evidence.
    • Reasons can include speed, efficiency, ease, cost, effectiveness, pain, pleasure, and so on.

Evidence could be a link to a public health education campaign, a news article, or a scholarly work.


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