Support Strategies and Strategy and Culture

Support Strategies and Strategy and Culture in Hospital Facility

Part one. Support strategies

  1. Vincent Hospital

Example of a value-added service in St. Vincent hospital facility is mobile health care. First, this value-added can be supported through mobile applications that are accessed through smartphones and internet-oriented technologies (Kaplan, 2006). In this context, healthcare providers especially nurses and doctors must possess a smartphone. On the other hand, patients can access information about diseases, treatment and health issues though a mobile application associated with the hospital. However, this strategy requires the hospital to develop an internet-based support system to operate the mobile application. The second strategy is use of social media to communicate with the patients (Kaplan, 2006). Social media especially Facebook pages, Twitter and blogs can be useful in providing the public with health information.

  1. Evaluating facilities and equipment

The first reason for evaluating hospital facilities and equipment is to determine whether the current resources have a positive impact on service delivery (Donabedian, 2005). In this context, the management assesses whether additional resources are required to address the prevailing health issues.

The second reason is whether the facilities addresses current and emerginghealth issues. Apparently, some facilities and equipment are rendered obsolete with time as health issues become complex. In this context, it is critical to adopt new technologies.

The third reason is to determine the cost-benefit element of the current and the value-added support strategies (Donabedian, 2005). In this regard, the hospital is to determine thebenefits accrued from the existing facilities and equipment compared to cost of the same. From this perspective, it is easier to determine whether the implementation of the value-added support strategies offers value for money. However, this must be evidenced from the derived benefits especially in thehospital’s service delivery.

Part two. Strategy and culture

  1. Link between organizational culture and structure

The link between the hospital’s organizational culture and its structure is vital in implementing change. In this context, the link between organizational culture and its structure justifies why change must be implemented from a multi-level or multi-faceted perspective (Ginter, Duncan & Swayne, 2013).Therefore, the hospital’s readiness for change is determined by the organization’s task demands, resources and environmental factors (Ginter, Duncan & Swayne, 2013). In addition, the organizational structures play a crucial role in exerting influence that is required to change the hospital’s culture.For example, implementation of the mobile health care initiative requires cultural change that isinitiated from the top-level management.From this perspective, other staff members are likely to change behavior and practices in order to address the new demands.

  1. Factors of an organization’s culture

Leadership and management style: This factor influences the organization’s performance, employees’ behavior and practices (Cameron & Quinn, 2011). The change of leadership and management style are vital to implementing a new strategy. Seeking acceptance through education and training of leaders and managers are vital to changing the organization’s attitude towards change implementation.

Policies and practices: This factor offers the organization with directions on how to function and achieve predetermined objectives. Streamlining policies and practices to accommodate the new strategy is critical for organizational change (Cameron & Quinn, 2011). Policies and practices are essential in developing the organization’s strategic plan.

Values:According to Cameron & Quinn (2011) values act as a guiding principle in the organization. In addition, the employees’ behavior is guided by the organizational values. Examples of organizational values include integrity, dedication and honesty. Apparently, these core values are integral in establishing a new organizational strategy.



Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Donabedian, A. (2005). Evaluating the quality of medical care. Milbank Quarterly, 83(4), 691-729.

Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J. & Swayne, L. E. (2013). Strategic management of health care organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Kaplan, W. A. (2006). Can the ubiquitous power of mobile phones be used to improve health outcomes in developing countries? Global Health, 2(9), 1-14.






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