POPH8552 Introduction To Clinical Epidemiology


Q1: You have just travelled to Thailand for a 4-week student exchange program, where you now have the opportunity to work with experts in a leading research institute in the country. During your visit, you observed that malaria remains a significant health issue, particularly among children and pregnant women. The Institute Director wants to reduce the number of child deaths and maternal mortality due to malaria in a particular endemic-community. She has proposed that insecticide-treated bed nets may be appropriate for use among children and pregnant women, and has asked for you to gather evidence to inform the development of a malaria prevention study.

a. Write a focused research question for this particular problem that will help you organise a search of the literature for an answer (use the PICO elements as appropriate).

b. Identify the PICO elements in your research question

Q2: Scott, a 78-year-old man with a history of hypertension and atrial fibrillation was discharged from the hospital following a fall. At a follow-up appointment in your GP practice, his wife Julie asks whether there is a better alternative to warfarin, a blood thinning medication, which he has been taking to prevent stroke. Her friend’s husband has recently been put on a newer blood-thinning medication (Rivaroxaban) which doesn’t require regular international normalisation ratio (INR) testing, a standardised measurement of the time it takes for blood to clot. Julie finds it difficult to get her husband to the pathology collection centre because he is quite immobile. She asks what whether the new blood-thinning medication could be an option for her husband in stroke prevention.

a. Write a focused research question for this particular problem that will help you organise a search of the literature for an answer (use the PICO elements as appropriate).

b. Identify the PICO elements in your research question

Q3: In the past 2 years, as a Consultant in Infectious Diseases in one of the tertiary hospitals in Sydney, you have attended to 15 migrant patients who were referred by their General Practitioners with symptoms not typical of pulmonary tuberculosis. After taking a detailed history and performing appropriate physical examinations, as well as reviewing a range of relevant investigations, you clinically diagnosed and microbiologically confirmed that those patients have multi-drug resistance pulmonary tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The Public Health Department was notified of disease and the patients were managed accordingly. Now, you and some colleagues from Western Sydney University want to investigate the risk factors for MDR-TB.

a. Write a focused research question for this particular problem that will help you organise a search of the literature for an answer (use the PICO elements as appropriate).

b. Identify the PICO elements in your research question

Q4: The Director of the Research and Strategic Policy Unit in New South Wales (NSW) Health has just read a non-government health report for Western Sydney, which indicates that the region has the highest burden of childhood obesity in Australia. You have been approached to gather evidence (to submit a research proposal) on patterns of overweight and obesity, and provide advice on strategies to reduce the burden of childhood obesity in the community because she wants an independent research facility to conduct a study to better understand the health issue.

a. Write a focused research question for this particular problem that will help you organise a search of the literature for an answer (use the PICO elements as appropriate).

b. Identify the PICO elements in your research question

Q5: Now choose ONLY ONE research question from any of the questions above (Q1–4) that will help you organise a search of the clinical literature for an answer. If you were to search Medline/PubMed/Web of science for original research on this question:

a. Describe what your search strategy would be, including keywords, MeSH terms, inclusion and exclusion criteria, as well as evidence of the Boolean operators used.

b. Explain your rationale for taking this approach and explain your reasoning.

c. What type of study design would best be able to address your selected research question? State why.

d. Cite the best article from among those you find, using any referencing style of your choice.

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