Pharmacology Exam Help

How to Pass a Pharmacology Exam

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Question 16 On the 1 a.m. rounds, the nurse finds a patient awake and frustrated that she cannot go to sleep. The nurse administers an ordered hypnotic to help the patient sleep. Two hours later, the nurse finds the patient out of bed, full of energy and cleaning her room. The nurse evaluates the patient’s response to the hypnotic as

Question 17 Which of the following statements best defines how a chemical becomes termed a drug?

Question 18 In light of her recent high blood pressure readings, a patient has been started on a thiazide diuretic and metoprolol (Lopressor), which is a beta-adrenergic blocker. What is the most likely rationale for using two medications to address the patient’s hypertension?

Question 19 In which of the following patients would a nurse expect to experience alterations in drug metabolism?

Question 20 30 ml = _______________tbsp

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