Nursing Society Chemotherapy Administration

Provide details of the rights of medication concept, and jurisdictional and legislative requirements that relate to the administration of medication with your organization?

How can you ensure that you have accurately followed your organization’s policies and procedures and all manufacturer instructions on the storage of medicine, blood, and blood products? 

To whom and how would you report any acute or delayed reactions to medication?

How do you or would you provide relevant information to patients, family or cares about medication administration including possible side effects?

When observing and questioning a patient to determine any signs of pain or discomfort, what strategies and factors would you utilize?

Why is it important to clarify the location and nature of pain or discomfort?

What process would you use to identify a range of prescribed medications and complementary strategies that may assist in alleviating the pain and discomfort of your client?

How can you assess the effectiveness of pain-relieving medications?

Where would you record the results of your observations of the client and your evaluation of the effectiveness of pain management?

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