NURS500 Research


1. Insert the text of your problem statement here. Refer to the sample in the Dissertation Prospectus guide for an example of this section.

2. Insert the text of your purpose statement here. Refer to the sample in the Dissertation Prospectus guide for an example of this section.

3. Insert the text of the purpose and significance of your study here. Refer to the sample in the Dissertation Prospectus guide for an example of this section.

4. Insert the text of the background of your study here. Refer to the sample in the Dissertation Prospectus guide for an example of this section.

5. Insert the text of the framework of your study here. Refer to the sample in the Dissertation Prospectus guide for an example of this section.

6. Insert your research questions here. Refer to the sample in the Dissertation Prospectus guide for an example of this section.

7. Insert the text of the nature of your study here. Refer to the sample in the Dissertation Prospectus guide for an example of this section.

8. Insert the text of possible types and sources of data here. Refer to the sample in the Dissertation Prospectus guide for an example of this section.


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