NURS13137 Outward Bound Nursing Studies


Learning Outcomes Assessed

  1. Use effective communication skills and cultural intelligence to apply principles from the nursing process to aid the health of individuals and cultural groups
  2. Acquire, evaluate and utilise person centred resources (human, material, technological and environmental) to aid the health education of individuals and cultural groups
  3. Appreciate the differences between Australian’s multicultural society and those considered during any activity related to an outward-bound nursing experience
  4. Function within legal and ethical frameworks and scope of practice of a nursing student in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Registered nurse standards for practice during any activity related to an outward-bound nursing experience.


Your assessment relates to the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP).

As part of the campaign, WHO and its partners aim to:

  • Highlight the importance of immunisation, and the remaining gaps in global coverage
  • Underscore the value of vaccines to target donor countries and the importance of investing in immunization efforts
  • Highlight the ways in which everyone, from donors to individuals can and must drive vaccine progress.


You are a nursing student visiting India, Nepal or Cambodia as part of an outward bound program and have been placed in a community setting to deliver primary health care assessments. You have been asked to prepare a brief to funders who may support a vaccination education session in your community.

Students going on an outward bound experience should select the country they have been to. Students who are not going overseas, can select either Nepal, Cambodia or India.

Step 1.

Outline the distribution of the population in the country you have selected and provide statistics and maps to help present your data. Identify the ethnic groups and any cultural aspects which may impact the uptake of immunisations. Highlight current attitudes towards immunisation in your chosen population.

Step 2.

Identify the vaccinations currently available in the country you selected and compare this to vaccinations that are provided in Australia.

Step 3.

Consider the health risks related to a lack of immunisation for that country. Compare these risks to those in the Australian setting.

Step 4.

Identify the barriers to providing and receiving immunisation in your chosen country? Suggest 2- 3 strategies to overcome these barriers.

Step 5.

Provide examples of how vaccination education is presented by healthcare workers in your country.

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