NURBN3020 Nursing People Living With Chronic Illness



The purpose of the task is to critically analyse on the students learning, therefore building on their professional knowledge base on chronic diseases.


This assessment task requires you to submit a reflective journal documenting an experience that you have had on clinical placement with regard to caring for a person living with chronic illness. This will include critically analysing the student’s individual opinion on the chronic illness, identifying the needs of people living with chronic illness, their caregiver, family and wider community. 

Reflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform your learning about practice, building on your personal/professional knowledge base. As a nursing student you see and experience many things both positive and negative when caring for patients. When faced with a negative situation, reflection and journaling can be useful to work through the feelings that it has evoked. It is often from these notations that positive changes in practice occur. Though on the other hand, often we forget to reflect on the positive practice, those special moments when all went well, they also need to be recorded. 

In your reflection, you need to critically reflect on your involvement with the person living with chronic illness, your initial opinion regarding how to care for a patient suffering from a chronic illness, including their carers/family/significant others, and how this experience has impacted on you both personally and professionally. Your reflection should incorporate legal and/or ethical considerations, awareness of your role as a student in relation to the holistic nursing approach to the person with chronic illness and their significant others. Before writing this reflective journal you need to read the resources and follow the Gibbs’ critical reflective model that have been described. 

Your reflective assessment should include these headings: Using the Gibbs Cycle.

1. Description. Describe the patient who is living with chronic illness
2. Feelings. Outline and explore your thoughts, feelings and opinion at the time of caring for this patient. What were some of the issues that you noted the patient had to deal with regard to living with choric illness?
3. Evaluation. What worked well for this patient’s management? Was there anything that you noted that could have been improved or added within the patients care? What self-management plans were in place to help that patient and their families? 
4. Analysis. Examine how this patients’ lives with their chronic illness in depth. Critical reflection begins with reconstructing the experience of caring for this patient. Examine the historical and social factors that structure a situation. Start to theorise your original opinion and what you have learnt whilst caring for this patient? Has your original opinion changed? Use references such as research (recent studies are best), policy documents (from relevant bodies) or theory (from academic sources) to support your analysis. At this point you might try to identify an overarching issue, or key aspect of the experience that affected it profoundly for example, “communication” or “time” 
5. Conclusion. Sum up the key things learned through the reflective process, the main factors affecting your opinion, and how the incident/event could have better incorporated appropriate legal and ethical considerations 
6. Action plan. A plan of action for the future is devised that would map alternative approaches should this you come across a situation that would include or represent the nature of your topic. What could you do to ensure a situation in the future that reflects your topic incorporates the legal and ethical considerations nurses must observe when working with vulnerable people/communities? 
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