NUR443 Evidence-based Nursing Research And Practice


Romsa, Beth J. Exploration of Tele Mental Health Program Integration with Application into Psychiatry Services at Ivinson Memorial Hospital Behavioral Health Unit. Unpublished Doctor of Nursing Practice capstone project, University of Northern Colorado, 2017.

Telehealth continues to revolutionize healthcare service provision in the United States. However, there continues the need for more research and development of new guidelines for the implementation and adoption of telehealth among the healthcare organizations. One area where telehealth could provide improvement of outcomes is mental health.

In the DNP project, a critical analysis of an existing DNP project report that was designed to develop new healthcare guidelines fo Ivison Memorial Hospital is provided. In the analysis, it was noted that the DNP project report did not follow the guidelines provided in the project handbook. The report has a long executive summary, which exceeds the recommended page limit. The components of the chapters have been interchanged, while some of the important contents of those chapters have been omitted completely. In addition, the paper failed to link the project recommendations with the specific organization site, while also failing to provide a good linkage with the organization strategic plan.

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