NUR4169 Nursing Research And Evidence-Based Practice


1. Nutrition, exercise and obesity prevention for school aged children
2. Car seat safety for parents
3. Food supply – healthy eating on a budget with local availability at church meeting
4. Diabetes management – diet, exercise, medication at a clinic
5. Hypertension management – diet exercise and medication and a clinic
6. Breast screening and self- exam for women’s group
7. Cardiovascular health – diet exercise and medication for senior group
8. Stress reduction for executive retreat
9. Prevention of childhood lead poisoning for new parents in low income area
10. Reading food labels for dieters
11. Oral Health/Fluoride Varnish for health students
12. Oral Health/classroom instruction on proper teeth brushing for kindergarteners
13. Tobacco cessation for class of quitters
14. Hand washing for younger children
15. Home safety for children home alone after school
16. Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B information for day-care providers
17. Bicycle safety and helmets for children
18. Healthy eating for teenagers
19. Hospice and palliative care for families of terminally ill

1. Purpose (include target population)

Presents a concise lead-in to the plan and target population
Gives too much information more like a summary
Does not give information or is very sketchy on what to expect in the plan and who is target
Points earned

2. Goal

Presents a clear goal for the teaching plan
Vague goal
Goal unrelated to teaching plan topic
Points earned

3. Individual learning objectives for the plan clearly identified

Objectives clearly stated and identified at the beginning of the plan
Could imply objectives from the content but not early stated and identified at the beginning of the plan
No objectives stated at the beginning of plan
Points earned

4. Content

Utilizes the most current research in the area to develop plan that is current, accurate and meets the learning needs of the population for which it was designed
To a limited extent utilizes the most current research in the area to develop plan that is current, accurate and meets the learning needs of the population for which it was designed
Does not demonstrate utilization of the most current research in the area to develop plan that is current, accurate and meets the learning needs of the population for which it was designed
Points earned

5. Method of Instruction

Fully describes the methods utilized to presents content in easy to follow steps which are logical and adequately detailed. Has a timing schedule with minutes allotted to each content section
Methods and timing is described but some lack of detail or confusion in organization presentation
Not easy to follow either illogical not enough detail or both. Little consideration for timing of presentation.
Points earned

6. Method of evaluation

Evaluation is consistent with the content presented and backed by research
Evaluation is consistent with the content presented
Evaluation does not match the content presented
Points earned

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