NUR124 Theory In Nursing


1. What is philosophy of science? How and why is it important to understand the various viewpoints for knowledge development within the discipline?

2. How would you define nursing epistemology? Which of our epistemological traditions is best suited to address the evidence needed to do our work?

3 Do you view nursing science as natural or pure science, an applied science, or a human science? Would you define it as a hard or soft science (Butts & Rich, 2015)? As discussed on page 7 of the Butts and Rich text, do you believe the aim of nursing sciences and research conducted by nurses aligns with the aim of pure sciences, allied sciences, or human sciences? It is a mix of all or a few?

4 Reed and Shearer (2011, p. 8-9) define epistemology as “the study of the nature of knowledge, including what is warranted as scientific knowledge in a discipline.” Meleis (2012, p. 136) defines epistemology as “the branch of philosophy that considers the history of knowledge”. Considering these definitions and the associated readings, what is your definition of nursing epistemology and why is it important to the ongoing development of knowledge in the field of nursing?

5 What are the meanings of the terms ‘discipline’ and ‘profession’ and how do these designations affect nursing knowledge development?

6 Where does nursing knowledge come from?

How you view nursing science as natural or pure science, an applied science, or a human science? Would you define it as a hard or soft science (Butts & Rich, 2015)? As discussed on page 7 of the Butts and Rich text, do you believe the aim of nursing sciences and research conducted by nurses aligns with the aim of pure sciences, applied sciences, or human sciences? Is it a mix of all or a few?

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