NSB236 Integrated Nursing Practice 3 – On Campus


The assessment tasks requires you to:

Identify and discuss two (2) signs or symptoms of clinical deterioration associated with the presenting problem, from chosen case study. This discussion should consider the potential impact of case study data (e.g. pathology results, past medical history) on the health status of the patient in the chosen case.

Following on from your presented discussion associated with point one (1), develop a clinical plan of care which identifies: x One (1) priority of clinical care and; Discuss three (3) nursing interventions that directly address the identified clinical priority. The discussion should refer to relevant clinical assessments. Measurable outcome parameters for each intervention will be discussed to justify the intervention and evaluate its efficacy. Discussion is to be supported with contemporary research.

Consolidate knowledge of key NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice, National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards, and National Health Priorities to enable effective decision planning and action in a range of complex clinical situations across the lifespan.

Apply knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to support evidence based decision making associated with planning and action.

Demonstrate structured decision making and clinical reasoning to review a range of health situations, synthesise evidence and data, determine priorities and formulate plans of care and interventions in line with timeframes and agreed goals

Assignment Hints

This assignment requires you to critically consider the signs and symptoms associated with clinical deterioration in relation to the patient’s primary clinical diagnosis, with consideration to:

The change in health status associated with the primary clinical diagnosis;

How the patients clinical history may impact on assessment data and core interventions;

The identified clinical priority which should clearly emerge from your discussion of the primary health alteration.

The application of clinical data and research to identify three (3) core interventions and assessments that address the stated clinical priority.

Evaluation data supported by research to effectively determine success of the intervention. The SMART goals format may be of assistance in guiding you in structuring this.

Demonstration of your clinical reasoning for your selected case study.
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