NRSG370 Clinical Integration: Specialty Practice


For this module you are asked to explore some of the writings in the public domain on how people have made meaning of their health related issues.

Exploring how people perceive a variety of issues in health, illness and dying may help us make meaning of it, both in terms of our own views on these concepts, and in terms of how the people in our care or people related to those in our care, may respond to alterations in health and experience illness.

The following article relates to informal carer, while the article is based in Europe there is relevance to Australian Health care system with increasing number of community and home services

Plank, A., Mazzoni, V., & Cavada, L. (2012). Becoming a caregiver: new family carers’ experience during the transition from hospital to home. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 21(13/14), 2072-2082. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.04025.x


Find three articles from magazines, journals, blogs, online postings (most numerous), where the person writes about the meaning an illness has had for them. Preferably this will be from your area of specialty practice however this may prove difficult for some specialties in this case pick a specialty area that interests you where there is information available. Choose one article each from the following perspectives or points of view.

From the perspective of the person being cared for

From the perspective of the person closest to them (partner, parent, child, etc)

From the perspective of a health professional caring for such a person

Choose one of these readings and write a reflection on how it has changed your perspective or given you some insight into the meaning illness has for a particular person.

Read: Clinical Reasoning Cycle

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