NMIH106 Essentials Of Care A


Case study You are the nurse looking after Bree, an 18 month old female admitted to the Paediatric ward with bronchiolitis. She currently has symptoms of shortness of breath, cough. expiratory wheeze, a temperature of 38.2 degrees Celsius and runr nose oozing clear mucous. Instructions: Structure your assignment so that it meets the following requirements: You may use headings. 1. Introduction. (approx 250 words). Serves as a ‘map” of The essay, outlining to the reader the key points contained in the body of the work. 2. Discussion of Activities of Living (AoL’s) related to the Case Study —Breathing and Controlling Body Temperature (approx. 600 words) Discuss how the AoL’s of breathing and controlling body temperature have been altered for Bree. Your answer must include the following: 

• An overview of how the two AoL’s may be affected

• How you would assess Bree in relation to the two identified AoL’s

• How you would you treat Bree’s symptoms for each AoL 3. Nursing Care Plan.

Using the Nursing Care Plan provided identify one issue related to either breathing or controlling body temperature that has arisen from the case study. From this issue formulate a plan/goal for improving this issue, identify strategies for meeting the planigoal and then discuss what evaluative measures will be taken to determine if the plan/ goal was met. 
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