NKU: DNP-PROGRAM Construction of Clinical/Practice Question and Literature

Assignment — Construction of Clinical/Practice Question and Literature

NKU- DNP Theory and Research


Module 6: Assignment — Construction of Clinical/Practice Question and Literature


The purpose of this assignment is to state your clinical/practice question and explore the literature pertaining to your clinical/practice problem as you described in your Module 3 Discussion Board.

According to Moran et al. (2020), when conducting a literature review, the goal is to obtain a representative sample of the literature which describes the concepts related to the phenomenon of interest and the research results applicable to the clinical/practice question and identify what gaps need to be further researched.  Your work for this paper may be used to build upon your scholarly project and publishable manuscript—thus, it is important that you align your literature review with the topic you have selected (or are considering) for your PICOT question and DNP project. 


1.  Please follow the rubric below.

2. Your work for this paper may be used to build upon your scholarly project and publishable manuscript—thus, it is important that you align your literature review with the topic you have selected (or are considering) for your PICOT question and DNP project. 

3. Paper length is no more than 8 pages, excluding references and title page.

Please note that you must write your paper according to APA…this is a format as well as a method for citing and referencing.  In the grading rubric, please also see that 30 points are allotted to the writing of a graduate-level paper.  If you are having difficulty with your writing, you may want to make an appointment with the NKU Writing Center for assistance.


1. A description of the clinical or practice problem you would like to address for your DNP project. State why this problem is an issue. State the practice question you wish to address in PICOT format (this should be the response to the problem defined above)

2. State the population and setting being addressed

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