HLT362V Statistic For Nursing Research


Calculating Descriptive Statistics

1. What is the mean age of the sample data? The mean of age for sample data is 56.5 years, mean is when you add up all data and divided by the number data points.
2. What percentage of patients never used tobacco?  20% of the patients never used tobacco meaning only 2 out of 10 patients.
3. What is the standard deviation for age?  When using the SPSS the SD comes out to be 19.26 years
4. Are there outliers among the values of age? Provide a rationale for your answer.  It’s a subject that’s unusually high or low from the mean simple calculation. An outlier can mess around with a data and make the interpretation outcomes difficult. If you find an outlier you can also find an interquartile range of the distribution and an outlier age that’s about 1.5 times outside the interquartile range.
5. What is the range of age values?  When the lowest age is calculated by the highest the range is 51.
6. What percentage of patients had been taking Infliximab? 60% of the patients was taking were taking infliximab, so it’s 6 out of every 10 patients.
7. What percentage of patients had rheumatoid arthritis as their primary diagnosis? 50% of the patients has rheumatoid arthritis as their diagnosis, so it’s 5 out of 10 patients.
8. What percentage of patients had irritable bowel syndrome as their primary diagnosis? 30% of patients had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), so it’s 3 out of every 10 patients.
9. What is the 95% CI for age? As I look at the descriptive statistics using SPSS for age, there’s 95 % confidence interval, the mean is 42.72 years of the lower bound and 70.28 years for the upper bound
10. What percentage of patients had psoriatic arthritis as their primary diagnosis? 30% of patients of patients were African American, there are not Hispanic origin.
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