EEET2424 Computer And Network Security


You need to pick one of the two topics listed below:

Review of Intrusion Detection (ID) in ??? (a Specified Network Scenario)

You are required to conduct an intensive literature review on network intrusion detection research and development for a special application scenario, for example, smart grid, smart home, smart hospital, an IoT based application and etc. Your literature review on the selected area should focus on

  • Intrusion detection technology(s), such as machine learning and artificial immune system & etc.
  • The modelling of the scenarios or the applications.
  • Experiment and simulation platforms.
  • An overview of the development in the area.

Assume you want to open a consulting business to provide consultancy services to industry, governments or general organizations on Intrusion Detection. They may ask you to make Intrusion Detection plan for their network or ask for assessment of some ID systems. Assume you will be an expert in this area after this review. Write a business mission to attract customers.


Review of LoraWAN Security Framework.

“LoRaWAN™ is a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) protocol that supports low-cost, mobile, and secure bi-directional communication for Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M), smart city, and industrial applications”.

The LoRaWAN security in its latest release covers data confidentiality, device authentication, device join and etc. You are supposed to review the standard LoRaWAN specification docs and some latest R/D publications on LoRaWAN security.

Your review report should include

  • Presentation of the latest LoRaWAN security framework in details.
  • Discussion and analysis of LoRaWAN security strength and vulnerability.
  • Tools on LoRaWAN packet sniffing and security analysis.
  • An overview of LoRAWAN security and its future enhancement.

Assume you want to open a consulting business to provide consultancy services on LoRaWan security. The potential customers may ask you to give an overview of LoRaWan security framework. They may ask for the vulnerability of LoRaWan. They may also want you to provide a security plan for their overall LoraWan application.

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