CNA773 Contemporary Critical Care Nursing Science


Part A

For the task, review the modules and the discussion statements/forums. You are to complete eight discussion entries across at least six different discussion forums and at least four of your eight discussion entries should respond to, elaborate or challenge the position of another/other students. Scholarly references must be included where appropriate in both your postings and in you summary. When responding to entries posed by others in your group, you should create new threads of discussion. You should respond to the questions raised by others within the discussions, inviting and encouraging scholarly debate. 

Part B

Your experience is to be summarised into a soo word reflective paper that is focused on exploring your experiences during Me discussions, the outcomes of your learning, future directions, how you might apply this learning in your practice and reflections upon the literature and/or questions asked by fellow students. Attach to this document as appendices four of what you feel are your best discussion entries. Submit your summary paper (including discussion entries) into the assignment drop box in MyLO by the due date. 

Discussion Statements:

1: Factors such as age, community setting, comorbidities and travel influence the risk of developing bacterial meningitis. 

2: Without an alternative treatment option, the administration of high dose methylprednisolone following an acute spinal injury is acceptable practice.
3: What barriers may present and impact on the prompt antibiotic treatment for suspected bacterial meningitis? What evidence Is there to support the prioritisation of antibiotic treatment?
4: Discuss the links between clinical depression and chronic back pain.
5: Consider the legal, moral and ethical considerations when a patent presents with a fungal CNS infection and a positive blood result for HIV, of which the patient was unaware of.
6. What are the treatment options for spinal cord tumours and when is surgery considered?
7. Discuss how you may approach the topic of vaccination to a mother ,  who is reluctant to vaccinate her children when one of her six children has presented with meningitis secondary to Haemophilus Influenza..What important information should she be informed of’?
8. Discuss the role of flexion and extension x-rays in cervical spine clearance.
9. Why are we currently experiencing an increasing incidence of tuberculosis meningitis in western counties that have otherwise had a low incidence of tuberculosis?
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