A virus Presentation about chickenpox virus

– chickenpox Virus powerpoint

Explanation & Rubric

You will make a virus Presentation about chickenpox virus.

The following information will be required in your presentation: –

What virus is it?

Classification –

What type of organism(s) does it infect? –

What type of symptoms does the host have of the infection?

– How is the virus stopped from multiplying (any medications used)?

This information is presented in the presentation:

– Type of cells it infects?

– Statistics of the virus?

– Virus Shape (Proteins and Nucleic Acids)?

The following rubric will be used to score your presentation:

___ Movie/presentation information: 12pts (3pts each)

– What virus is it? Classification

– What type of organism does it infect?

– What type of symptoms does the host have of the infection?

– How is the virus stopped from multiplying (any medications used)?

– Explain Virus Shape

– Statistics of the virus (outbreaks)?

– What type of cells it infects?

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