2806NRS Research In Nursing


The aim of this assignment is to critically evaluate a journal article. This will provide you with the skills and knowledge to be able to evaluate the quality and relevance of research so that you can make informed decisions about applying it to practice.

What the study is about

Peripheral intravenous catheters are the most commonly used medical invasive device in hospitals today and are frequently initiated in the emergency department. Peripheral intravenous catheter failure frequently occurs after 48 hours post insertion, suggesting that improvements in securement can be targeted at this timeframe. A novel approach for improved peripheral intravenous catheter fixation is the use of medical-grade skin glue (cyanoacrylate) at the insertion site. Skin glue has been reported to be effective for securing central venous, epidural, and peripheral arterial catheters, with improved fixation compared with standard polyurethane dressings.

This assignment addresses the following course learning outcomes:

  1. Examine the contribution of research to evidence-based practice;
  2. Evaluate the credibility of the information provided by research studies;
  3. Demonstrate a broad understanding of the major elements of the research process that underpin translation to practice.
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